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Teacher Incentive Allotment Check Presentations April 2023

TIA Overview

House Bill (HB) 3 was passed by the 86th Texas Legislature and was signed into law by Governor Abbott on June 11, 2019. The bill established the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) program. The TIA has a stated goal of a highly competitive salary for teachers who prioritize teaching in high needs areas and rural district campuses. The program is dedicated to recruiting, supporting and retaining highly effective teachers in all schools, with particular emphasis on high need and rural schools. Districts, if they choose to, can develop a local designation system and designate high-performing teachers (Master, Exemplary or Recognized). Districts will receive additional funding ($3,000-$32,000 per year) for every designated teacher they employ.

The Waco ISD TIA stakeholder and campus expert committees meet several times per year to review progress and make recommendations for expansion. The District has an approved TEA Cohort C TIA application and submits teachers for designation each fall. We are proud to report we successfully passed validation last fall resulting in 47 designated teachers in the spring of 2022. The district will continue to meet with stakeholders and campus experts to refine our local designation system, while awaiting approval from TEA this spring on the districtʼs second group of designated teachers. 




First page of the PDF file: Waco_ISD_TIA_Guidebook_updated_6523_1docx_
Waco ISD TIA Guidebook_updated 6.5.23_1.docx

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