Giving Contributions/Donations
501c3 Menu
Creating a New Organization
- Questions to Answer Before You Commit
- Creating Your Own Identity Overview
- Life Cycle of a Public Charity
- Incorporation of a Non-Profit Organization
Following the Rules
- Authoritative Guidelines Overview
- District Board Policy GE (Local)
- University Interscholastic League (UIL) Booster Club Guidelines
- UIL Brochure
- State Regulatory Information
- Federal Regulatory Information
Taking Care of Business
Day-to-Day Responsibilities
- Overview
- Accounting Procedures
- Bank Accounts
- Receiving Contributions / Donations
- Giving Contributions/Donations
- Facilities Use/Rental
- Financial Aid Guidelines
- Flyers
- Fundraisers
- Fund-Raising for Individuals or Families
- Insurance
- Mailing Address
- Members
- Membership Dues
- Money Handling Procedures
- Paying and Reporting of Workers (District Employees or Others)
- Raffles
- Record Retention
- Sales Tax
- Student Fines and Fees List
- Treasurer's Report
- Volunteering
Giving Contributions/Donations
UIL Guidelines
The UIL has guidelines concerning gifts or donations to the school. Please refer to the UIL Guidelines under the Following the Rules section of the Booster Club guidelines. The information listed in the Following the Rules section is not all-inclusive and is subject to change by the UIL. Therefore, for the most up-to-date version of this information and to find out about other UIL guidelines, please go to the UIL’s website at Guidelines for Booster Clubs.
District Guidelines
When you donate cash, checks, services or noncash items to the school or district, please complete the Contribution Form and submit to the Principal. If cash or check is involved, please attach the check/money order to the form.
Board policy CDC requires all gifts and grants from private sources to be "included among the total receipts of the District which are reported in the annual financial statement".
Accordingly, all gifts/donations/in-kind services are required to be processed through the campus front office, as applicable, and reported to the Director of Communications in the Communications Department, via the Contribution Form.
CDC (LOCAL) states "The Board delegates to the Superintendent the authority to accept unsolicited gifts on behalf of the District. However, any gift with a cost or market value of $50,000 or more, any gift that the potential donor has expresslu made conditional upon the District's use for a specified purpose, or any gift of real property shall require Board approval.