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Before flyers are displayed or distributed, 501(c) tax-exempt organizations may submit flyers to the Communications Department for approval.  Please e-mail the proposed flyer to for approval.


Flyer Distribution at Waco ISD

 The district's guidelines regarding the type of organizations and content we approve are as follows:

  • We primarily approve non-profits.
  • We are only able to approve for-profits if their flyer is unconditional and benefits our students and staff.
  • The flyer must have our disclaimer (See below).
  • The organization is responsible for printing and distributing their own flyers.
  • We do not accept/approve requests to post to our social media.
  • List of campuses and specific groups you will be distributing to (If you require student counts please specify).


If you feel your flyer meets Waco ISD guidelines, please send a copy to Quinta Robinson. The flyer will wait in line for approval. Once approved, you will print off the approval email as confirmation to present to the campus when you drop off your flyers.



Each flyer must contain a disclaimer approved by Waco Independent School District. We have provided a Spanish version for your Spanish flyers. You don’t need both languages on one flyer unless you choose to. The disclaimer must be printed on the front, in bold letters, and no smaller than a 9-point type.



[name of organization/entity] is responsible for the event/activity represented in this material. [name of organization/entity] is not related to, sponsored by, endorsed or approved by the Waco Independent School District and neither is the event/activity

represented in this material. Accordingly, Waco ISD assumes no liability for such. The distribution or display of this material by Waco ISD is provided strictly as a community




[nombre de la organización / entidad] es responsable del evento / actividad representada en este material. [nombre de la organización / entidad] no está relacionado con, patrocinado por, respaldado o aprobado por el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Waco y tampoco es el evento / actividad representada en este

material. En consecuencia, Waco ISD no asume ninguna responsabilidad por tal. La distribución o visualización de este material por parte de Waco ISD se proporciona estrictamente como un servicio comunitario.