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Saturday Diversion Course

Saturday Diversion Course

Purpose of Program:

Through the Waco ISD administrative office of Student Management, our goal is:  to incorporate restorative discipline with the Saturday Diversion Course to assist in reducing the number of referrals to the Waco ISD DAEP, student out of school suspensions, and modify student behaviors.  

This Diversion Course may be used:

  • by administrators as an option in place of suspension or placement at the DAEP,
  • by PCL's as alternative to Truancy Court
  • by judges as a sentencing alternative to increase the likelihood of students staying out of the juvenile justice system.


The Diversion Course is intended as a Diversion away from court, entering the Juvenile Justice System, paying court fines of $500 or more, or having to leave work for court hearings or deferred disposition, etc.  Information learned during the Diversion Course equips participating students and parents/guardians with the necessary skills to communicate more effectively and build more supportive relationships with one another.

  • Students will learn pro-social alternatives to their current behaviors and understand the long-term consequences of continued school disruptions and/or truancies.
  • Parents will learn strategies for supporting their children and learn to meet their developmental needs in healthy and pro-social ways, based on trust and mutual respect.


A Cohort group of students and parents will attend a Saturday Google Meet session of 7 contact hours.
Students and the same Parent/Guardian must stay the entire session participating, on camera and in clear view.

  • An internet link for Google Meet be sent via email to the parent and/or to the student's Waco ISD email.  You will need to download the Google app in order to participate.  Utilize your student's device or personal device.
  • An internet link for Google Meet will be sent via email to the parent and/or to the student’s WISD email. You will need to download the Google app in order to participate.
  • Certificate will be provided electronically upon completion of course for proof of attendance.




SEPT  16th cohort 1 JAN 27th cohort 7 MAY 4th cohort 13
SEPT 30th cohort 2 FEB 10TH cohort 8 MAY 18th cohort 14
OCT 14th cohort 3 FEB 24th cohort 9 JUN TBD cohort 15
NOV 4th cohort 4 MAR 16th cohort 10 JUL TBD cohort16
NOV 11th cohort 5  APR 6th cohort 11      
DEC 2nd cohort 6 APR  20th cohort 12      


    Times:                   8:30 am - 3:30 (participants must stay online for the entire virtual course, on camera and in clear view, in order to receive credit)

Course Objectives:
A Cohort group of students and their Parent(s)/Guardian(s) will attend a Saturday course.

Over the Saturday course, students will learn strategies to communicate more effectively with others, understand impulse control and anger management, and practice skills needed to make better choices in stressful, high-pressure situations. They will also identify their post-secondary interests and strengths and understand how to achieve their career path goals. Elementary students will be engaged with restorative discipline practices, conscious discipline techniques, along with communication and interaction skills developed for proper classroom behavior. While the students are learning, their Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) will be presented information about adolescent development; gain skills in communicating, problem solving, and discipline; and have time to discuss ideas with other parents and gain support. 




Angelica Serrano                                                         Alfonso Saldaña 

Administrative Asst.                                                    Coordinator of Student Management




Waco Independent School District 501 Franklin Avenue ● Waco TX 76701 254-755-9432