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Find your Parent Campus Liaison

The role of the Parent Campus Liaison is to assist students and parents/guardians in identifying and resolving problems affecting school attendance including, but not limited to, prevention and intervention strategies, providing case management, monitoring of student progress, and accessing any social services a student/parent/guardian may need that is affecting school attendance/achievement. To find your parent campus liaison, see the list below. 


Elementary PCL's

Maria Cruz: Bell's Hill, Kendrick, Provident Heights
Dora Almaguer: Brook Avenue and J.H. Hines
Beverly Williams: Crestview, Cedar Ridge, Hillcrest PDS, and Parkdale
Secondary PCL's
Pamela Williams: Cesar Chavez Middle School and University High School (2027 Cohort)
Bronshay Williams: Tennyson Middle School
Rob Hatridge: University High School (2024, 2025, & 2026 Cohorts))
Algrie White: Waco High School (2025 & 2027 Cohorts)
Debra McGowan: Waco High School (2024 & 2026 Cohorts)
Kimberly Nwaeze: Brazos Credit Recovery