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Student Attendance & Outreach Services


Every Student Every Day


One of the most important things your child can do to be successful is also one of the most basic: go to school every day. In fact, attendance may be the biggest factor in influencing academic success. Regular school attendance prepares a student academically, but they are also benefiting from learned routines that will help them in life. Showing up to school every day and on time reinforces a habit that is essential for success in college and in the workforce.


6 Quick Facts About Attendance


  1. Absenteeism in the first month of school can predict poor attendance throughout the school year. Half the students who miss 2-4 days in September go on to miss nearly a month of school.

  2. Research shows that missing 10 percent of school, or about 18 days, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days a month, and that’s known as chronic absence.

  3. Absenteeism and its ill effects start early. One in 10 kindergarten and first-grade students are chronically absent.

  4. Poor attendance can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade or be held back.

  5. By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.

  6. When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances of graduating.


10 Things Parents Can Do to Prevent School 

Attendance Problems from Developing


1. Set a regular bedtime. Make sure your child gets between 8-10 hours of sleep per night.

2. Prepare for school the night before. Sign papers and place them in backpacks. Have bags, homework, and lunches in a set spot each night. Set out clean clothes for the morning.

3. Know your child’s bus pick-up time and have them there at least 10 minutes before.

4. Be involved at school. Attend conferences, volunteer, read the newsletters and check the book bag. Talk with your child daily about the good parts of the school. 

5. Inform the school of any change of address or cell or home telephone numbers. Keep the school aware of any changes in emergency contact

6. Read with children daily. Ask the child questions about what they read.

7. Communicate with your child’s doctor about how much time your child is missing from school if they are frequently ill. Work with the school nurse to have a medical plan in place if there are chronic health issues.

8. Ask for help if you are concerned about your child’s behavior at home. There are numerous services for families in the schools and community that school personnel can link you up with.

9. Monitor and limit the amount of time your child spends on the internet, watching TV, and playing video games. Discuss internet safety concerns such as cyberbullying, harassment, giving out personal information, or meeting people they have met online.

10. Be a good role model. Daily routines set the example of hard work and personal responsibility. 


What if my child refuses to go to school?


  1. Work with school personnel to develop a plan to improve your child’s attendance. This may include support in the community as well as at the school level.

  2. Practice positive parenting. Have consistent rules and routines. Talk with your child about the things they are learning and their favorite parts of the day.

  3. Have consequences for not attending school. Allowing the child to play outside, play video games or play outside when they don’t attend school sends a message to the child that it’s okay to be absent.