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2021-2022 Immunization Requirements

Texas Health and Human Services Immunization Websites:

Immunization Requirements for Pre-K Students

Immunization Requirements Kindergarten - 12th Grade

Immunization Requirements for College Entry

How to claim an immunization exemption


Provisional Enrollment

All immunizations should be completed by the first date of attendance. The law requires that students be fully vaccinated against the specified diseases. A student may be enrolled provisionally if the student has an immunization record that indicates the student has received at least one dose of each specified age- appropriate vaccine required by this rule. To remain enrolled, the student must complete the required subsequent doses in each vaccine series on schedule 
and as rapidly as is medically feasible and provide acceptable evidence of vaccination to the school. A school nurse or school administrator shall review the immunization status of a provisionally enrolled student every 30 days to ensure continued compliance in completing the required doses of vaccination.  If, at the end of the 30-day period, a student has not received a subsequent dose of vaccine, the student is not in compliance and the school shall exclude the student from school attendance until the required dose is administered.

Additional guidelines for provisional enrollment of students transferring from one Texas public or private school to another, students who are dependents of active duty military, students in foster care, and students who are homeless can be found in the TAC, Title 25 Health Services, Sections 97.66 and 97.69.

Provisional Enrollment Chart


Since many types of personal immunization records are in use, any document will be acceptable provided a physician or public health personnel has validated 
it. The month, day, and year that the vaccination was received must be recorded on all school immunization records created or updated after September 1, 1991.

Without the proper documentation of required vaccinations or a valid medical or conscientious exemption, students will not be allowed to attend school.


Rhiannon Settles, RN-BC, BSN

Health Services Director

Waco ISD

Quick Links

The following sitelink points to information about immunizations, exemptions forms, and frequently asked questions.


The information listed on this page summarizes the vaccine requirements incorporated in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 25 Health Services, Sections 97.61 to 97.72. This page is not intended as a substitute for consulting the TAC, which has other provisions and details.

See the full text of the TAC here:
Texas Administrative Code (Title 25 Health Services, §§ 97.61-97.72)

The Department of State Health Services (DSHS) is granted authority to set immunization requirements by the Texas Education Code, Chapter 38, Health & Safety, Subchapter A, General Provisions.


Public Health District

Waco-McLennan County Public Health District Immunization Department

225 W. Waco Drive

254-750-5410 - Main Health District Line
254-750-5422 - Immunization Line

Clinic Hours:

Monday - Friday
8:30 - 4:30
Closed from 11:30 -1:30 for lunch each day