Mission and Values
The mission of the Waco Independent School District Police Department is to provide a
safe and healthy environment to all students, staff, and visitors through respectful, fair
and equitable policing and community engagement. We strive to provide excellence,
integrity and professional interaction with our school district community and
neighboring partners.
Statement of Philosophy:
The philosophy of the Waco Independent School District Police Department is fulfilled
through Community Oriented Policing, which helps to build and maintain meaningful
partnerships with all citizens. The highest standards of servant leadership are preserved
as the Department moves forward to address the safety, educational and security needs
of our district.
The principles of trustworthiness, integrity, dedication, consistency, fairness, and
service are ingrained in the processes and decisions implemented by the Waco
Independent School District Police Department personnel. Employees are committed
to perform to the best of their abilities and provide the highest levels of
professionalism in all aspects of law enforcement services.
All Waco ISD police personnel (sworn and non-sworn) shall make a good-faith effort to
collaborate with departments throughout the district (such as human resources,
transportation, public information, and others). These collaborative relationships help to
maintain a productive dialogue between the agency and other departments, and generates confidence in and support for agency practices from stakeholders within the institution.