Fraud, Waste, Abuse Hotline
Fraud, Waste and Abuse Hotline
- May lead to incorrect financial reporting
- Are unlawful
- Are not in line with Waco ISD policies and procedures
- Otherwise amount to serious improper conduct
The hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, for use by employees, or the general public who wish to report an incident anonymously for the following types of incidents:
- Fraud
- Theft and Embezzlement
- Misuse of District Property
- Conflict of Interest
- Bribery and Kickbacks
- Falsification of Contracts
- Violation of the Law
Please note that the information you provide may be the basis of an internal and/or external investigation into the issue you are reporting. Your anonymity will be protected to the extent allowed by law. Be informed that your identity may become known during the course of the investigation because of the information you have provided. Reports are submitted by Lighthouse to a Waco ISD designee for investigation according to district policies.
Do not use the Fraud, Waste, Abuse hotline to report complaints or grievances involving wages, working conditions, discrimination, and other personnel issues. These issues should be reported in accordance with Board policies:
DGBA (Local), Employee Complaints/Grievances
FNG (Local), Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances
DIA (Local), Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Harassment
Lighthouse Services - Waco ISD An online form for fraud, waste and abuse
The toll-free number for reporting violations by telephone is: