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How to apply for a Grant

How to apply for a grant

Process for Applying

  1. Fill out the Intent to Apply Form and submit it to (Director of Grants Management).
  2. Kourtni Parnell will obtain signatures and return it with approval.
  3. The District Representative requesting to apply for the grant completes the application.
  4. Submit a copy of the NOGA (notification of grant award)  to Kourtni Parnell and Holly Massey when you are notified about whether or not you have received the grant.
  5. Reporting and other required documentation for the grant are to be completed by the staff member who applied for the grant. 
  6. Please note if the grant requirements are not met, the school or department will have to reimburse grant expenditures from the applicant's local budget. 

Scope of Grant Proposals

  • Types of Grant Initiatives
    • Campus – one or more  schools connected by a single project
    • Department/Program  – e.g., GWAMA, Curriculum, Fine Arts
    • District – e.g., homeless students, library materials, afterschool


Resources for finding a grant

There are a lot of websites with information about grants and it can be overwhelming. Here are some sites that can help you find the grant you're looking for, tell you more about the funder of those grants and help you understand the grant seeking process.

Grant Wrangler- Excellent resource for educators that collects education grants into a centralized, easily searchable location.

Scholastic Funding Connection- Here's a great resource for understanding the grant seeking process written specifically for teachers

Things to remember

  • Not all "grants" are actually grants. A grant is broadly described as a gift given for a particular purpose.  Specific to our context, a grant is:
    • A non-repayable financial award
    • Accompanied by conditional qualifications as to the use of funds
    • Given by an entity (this “grantor” is often a government agency, a corporation, a foundation, or a charitable organization)
    • Given to an eligible recipient (this “grantee” is usually a nonprofit entity, an educational institution, a business, or an individual)
    • To be used for specified purposes
  • Give yourself plenty of time for submitting the grant. You will need anywhere from several weeks to several months from the deadline for the grant depending on the application requirements and process.