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Welcome to our department


To establish and maintain a functional environment that is clean and safe for students, staff and visitors so that Waco ISD positively impacts the lives of our neighbors and community.

Services and Responsibilities

Facilities and Maintenance is comprised of four departments including Facilities, Building Maintenance, Grounds Maintenance and Custodial Services. These departments maintain 2,742,944 square feet of buildings and 425 acres of grounds and athletic facilities.

  • The Facilities Department handles building information and projects, budgeting and planning.
  • The Building Maintenance Department maintains the operations of all building systems including walls, floor, ceilings, mechanical, plumbing and electrical services including public address/intercom, telephone, fire alarm and building intruder alert systems. We do not provide services for networks, computer or related equipment and building access systems.
  • The Grounds Department maintains all exterior properties and related systems including fencing, pavement, sidewalks, landscaping, irrigation and pest management.
  • The Custodial Services Department maintains a clean, healthy environment for building occupants.

We also maintain compliance with all regulatory requirements such as Americans with Disabilities, all building codes, Integrated Pest Management, Asbestos, Hazardous Materials and Waste Removal.

We provide monthly safety and other required training for all maintenance employees so that we are knowledgeable regarding school health and safety concerns.


For Emergencies After Hours only; call (254) 379-1694.

Contact Us

4315 Beverly Dr.
Waco, TX 76711
Ph: (254) 752-3497
Fax: (254) 750-3413