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Angelfire Cognates

A site to find cognates with cognate picture books, lesson plans, and vocabulary.

Biographies for Kids

Famous leaders for young readers. Also includes lesson plans.

Colorin Colorado

A free web-based, bilingual service that provides information, activities, and advice for educators and Spanish-speaking families of English language learners.

Diagramming Help

Basic sentence parts and phrase configurations. When you click on the name of a phrase or clause or type of sentence, a sample sentence illustrating how such a construction would be treated in a Kellogg-Reed diagram.


The largest and most trusted free dictionary on the Web.

Dr. Grammar

The Dr. Grammar website is devoted to providing helpful assistance for writers everywhere! It does not matter whether you are looking for help with comma rules or with formats for writing business letters (or with everything in between), you will find helpful assistance here.


DuoLingo is a new way to learn a new language.  It is fun, interactive and addictive!!

Florida Center for Reading Research

FCRR explores all aspects of reading research—basic research into literacy-related skills for typically developing readers and those who struggle, studies of effective prevention and intervention, and psychometric work on formative assessment

Giggle Poetry

100s of poems to read and rate.


The bilingual glossaries are intended to be used by teachers, LEP students, test translators, and material and curricula developers. Students may use these documents as supplements to their texts, as study or as references when taking examinations. Teachers can use the glossaries as reference in preparing lessons. They should be of special value in classrooms where the teachers do not speak the targeted languages.


Houghton Milfflin English for grades 6-8. They have evaluation station, writers showcase, grammar blast, wacky web tales, power proofreading, authors and illustrators, graphic organizers, ideas for writing and Net's best for research.

Grammar Practice Park

Explore the park and play games to practice your grammar skills.

Jan Brett-Author online

Jan Brett's homepage with many activities and resources for teachers, parents, and students.

Language & Translation Center

Includes over 2,100 Languages; Language Dictionaries & Encyclopedias; Word & Text-to-Speech (TTS); Word, Text & Website Translation; Basic, First Year, Intermediate & Advanced Courses; Writing & Stroke Demonstrations; Language Keyboards; Grammar, Phonetics, Reading & Writing Lessons; Literature; Poetry; etc.

My Vocabulary

A free resource used in over 24,000 schools to enhance vocabulary mastery and written/verbal skills with Latin and Greek roots.

Parts of Speech Games

Grades Prek-6. Games to improve your parts of speech. Also has a teachers page.

PBS Kids

On PBS KIDS GO! kids like you can watch educational shows and play the best online games for free.


BrainPOP ELL is a comprehensive English language learning program that uses engaging animated movies to model conversational English.  The movies and related features are leveled, building upon each other to reinforce vocabulary and usage. New concepts are presented within everyday situations, helping to provide context.  BrainPOP ELL's structure enables students to master the language in a step-by-step process, giving them the confidence they need to read and speak English.

Reader's Theatre

Welcome to Aaron Shepard's home page! Here are loads of free treats and resources for teachers, librarians, storytellers, children's authors, parents, kids, and more?all from award-winning author Aaron Shepard.

Road to Grammar

Welcome to Road to Grammar, a site for ESL, TESL, EFL, TEFL, TOEFL, grammar and vocabulary practice.

Scholastic Books

Website featuring quality products and services that educate, entertain and motivate children and are designed to help enlarge their understanding of the world around them.

Skill Builders

Our research-based and standards-aligned free educational math games and language arts games will engage, motivate, and help teach students.


SpanishDict offers the premier English to Spanish dictionary and Spanish to English dictionary on the web. Our free online Spanish to English translator can help you with all your English to Spanish translation needs.


This is an online library that focuses on genres.  The various genres have print below pictures and the story can be read to the students in English and Spanish.

SpellingCity: the ultimate online spelling program

A free spelling tool that makes teaching and learning spelling exciting.

Storybird Online

Storybirds are short, visual stories that you make with family and friends to share and (soon) print.

Storyline Online

The Screen Actors Guild Foundation (SAG) is proud to bring you Storyline Online, an on-line streaming video program featuring SAG members reading children?s books aloud! Each book includes accompanying activities and lesson ideas.


Tagxedo turns words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters -- into a visually stunning tag cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text.


The largest and most trusted free thesaurus on the Web.


VocabAhead Study Room provides a distraction free environment with over 1000 difficult words explained using Vocabulary Videos and Flash Cards. More vocab videos continuously added.

Word Reference

Language forums, games, direct links to dictionaries, verb conjugators and more.

Your Dictionary - How Parents Help Their ELL Children Learn English

Parents helping their ELL children learn English is a multi-faceted process. This website provides small steps combined to create an eager and capable student.