Meetings with all campus Principals to start a conscientious effort to reduce utilities involving students and teachers in their classrooms including a rewards program
Meetings with the campus and building custodial teams to reduce utilities
District-wide LED (light emitting diode) Program
Light motion sensors for Administration, campuses and all buildings
Photo Cells for all outdoor LED lighting
Append timers to all water heaters, boilers and exhaust fans
2018/2019 School Year, removal all classroom microwaves, personal mini-heaters/lamps and reinstating mini-refrigerator permits and fees
Methodical replacement of old step-down transformers District-wide
Evaluating/Energy audits at each District building for leakage and infiltration
Reduced water usage with high efficient plumbing fixtures
Work with WISD Grounds for strategic irrigation
HVAC Controls upgrades and installations
Annual evaluations of HVAC equipment for performance and efficiencies
Retro-Commissioning of all District Chiller Plants
Stagger-start of all District-wide HVAC to reduce peak demand load
Demand Response/Emergency Response Service Program