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Classroom Energy Monitor

Classroom Energy Monitor

 Waco ISD's Energy Management Department has re-introduced the energy monitoring program for the 2022/2023 school year at all Elementary Campuses. The classroom teacher appoints a student as the energy monitor for their classroom to help control energy waste such as lighting left-on when all students leave for lunch, recess or end of the school day ("Last out, Lights out!").  
Also, projectors, and personal lamps are turned off when not in use. 
The students also reduce heat load from windows by adjusting window blinds that filter direct and indirect sunlight, all of which is done with
the permission of their teacher. The energy monitor alerts their teacher of restroom leaking flush-valves, faucets and any other related wastes.
The energy monitor not only learns the importance of conserving energy, but takes this concept back to their home and applies the importance
in their everyday life! It's all about sustainability, the preservation of their natural resources. This program was expanded upon and is now engaged at all Waco ISD Elementary Classrooms!


Kids for Kilowatts - Hillcrest PDS


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