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Career and Technical Education

About CTE

Career and Technical Education is growing to provide unique educational options for enhancing the knowledge and skills required for employment in a knowledge-based economy.

A highly educated workforce is the key to successful wealth creation and economic prosperity. Technically skilled and highly educated workers are needed at all levels, and they must have the capacity for lifelong learning that is demanded by business and industry. In order for Waco ISD to be successful in educating the workforce of the future, a unified vision of education and business/industry for a prosperous, thriving and competitive state must be must be forged.


The Waco ISD Career and Technical Education Department will provide comprehensive course offerings and experiences to empower students to successfully reach their academic and career goals, ensuring a sustainable future.


The vision of the WISD Career and Technical Education program is to provide a comprehensive program that will give students the opportunity to excel and advance their skills and knowledge to be prepared for post-secondary endeavors through rigorous curriculum, relevant experiences and lasting relationships.




Lisa Saxenian
Director of
Career & Technical Education


Attributes of a CTE Student:

  • Strong, competitive academic foundation
  • Global and technical competence
  • Career specific skills and goals
  • Professional and scholastic networking and social skills
  • Critical and independent thinking abilities
  • Self-discipline and intrinsic motivation

Contact Us

501 Franklin Avenue
P.O. Box 27, 
Waco TX 76703
Ph: (254) 755-9574
Fax: (254) 755-9620


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GWAMA 10 Year Celebration

September 7, 2023

2024-2025 Business Advisory Board Meetings

Waco High School and University High School (joint): TBD



**Advisory Board minutes available upon request