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2024-2025 UHS CTE Students of the Month

2024-2025 University High School Career & Technology Student of the Month

University High School


January 2025 Student of the Month

Criminal Justice/Law

Criminal Justice Senior - Taniha Montelongo

My name is Taniha Montelongo and I am a senior at University High School. This is my third year in the Academy of Law and Criminal Justice. Since joining this pathway, I have enjoyed every aspect of it. I have always been interested in becoming an attorney. This is something I am very passionate about as I believe that this is a way that I can help people. Over the past three years, I have gained knowledge of the criminal justice system. Taking classes in this field has helped me open my mind to more opportunities for my future. I have been given the chance to take trips to the courthouses and the jail with my Practicum in Law class. The trips to the courthouse have provided me with a more in-depth understanding of how a courthouse works and a better understanding of the courtroom roles.  I tried to pay close attention to everyone involved at the courthouse, but my main attention would always turn to the attorney. I would see how the attorney would handle the situation and the way they interacted with the judge as well as with their client. When I first saw an attorney start talking to the judge and speaking about the case, I asked myself if it was something that I would be able to do. After seeing more attorneys come in and speak, I realized that, yes, I am in the right pathway. I know that as a freshman I was very scared and I was a very shy person, but over time I have become more confident and outgoing. This field can be intimidating but with the classes I have taken at University High School, I have been given the chance to experience new things and have been allowed to grow out of my bubble. Thanks to this pathway I am able to see the true raw side of how each career in the criminal justice field works allowing me to prepare for my future career. 

GWAMA - Construction Science

GWAMA: Construction Science Senior - Leilani Godinez

My name is Leilani Godinez and I’m a senior at University High School. This is my third year attending the Greater Waco Advanced Manufacturing Academy, also known as GWAMA. Freshman year, I took a Principles of Manufacturing class and learned the basic knowledge of teamwork, math and safety required in this career field. Although this information was similar for these following occupations, there are different types of academies: Construction, Architecture, Welding, and Robotics. I originally had my mind set on landscape architecture, for my passion of designing blueprints and the outdoors, but I settled for construction. Although these two academies may be the same, one is more of a hands-on job. Besides, it doesn’t hurt to learn another skill.

At first, I was unsure of taking a construction class because I was more of a technology person and didn’t like to get my hands dirty. But as time flew by, I enjoyed being able to build projects and tell people “I made that.” Mrs. Novosad, my construction technology teacher, is always such an optimistic person, even when days are rough. Not only does she teach construction, but other skills such as masonry, electrical and plumbing work. If it wasn’t for her, I wouldn’t be able to use half of the tools, such as a miter saw or jointer, calculate measurements, build a miniature home, or even lay a row of bricks. She is a role model for women that are interested in working in the manufacturing field, which isn’t that common. Throughout the years, I have had a lot of people ask me, “Why did you choose GWAMA? It’s an unusual interest for girls.” My response every time was, this is something I’m truly passionate about, plus anyone can learn this skill, regardless of who they are.

Even though there aren’t many girls at GWAMA, the female staff members created a program back in 2023 called Girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). Girls in STEM is a program for high school girls from tenth through twelfth grade, to take field trips to colleges and companies in Texas, giving them an idea of what they would like to do after high school. Towards the end of the school year, GWAMA has a job fair for juniors and seniors to give them an opportunity for an internship or a glimpse into the many worksites here in Waco. As well as, colleges and military related careers that may involve skills taught at GWAMA. So far, I have my mind set on TSTC to major in cybersecurity, for my interest in the technological field. Overall, being chosen as an ambassador has been such an honor and I look forward to what the future holds for me.

December 2024 Student of the Month

Business Finance

Business Finance Senior - Zhrye'a Courtney

Hi, my name is Zhrye’a Courtney, and I am a senior in high school at University High School. I have been in the business, finance, and marketing academy since freshman year. I love being in this endorsement because of my future career. In today’s fast-paced and linked world, understanding business, finance, and marketing is more important than ever. Taking classes focused on these areas offers valuable insights into growing a business, investing in stocks, and managing personal finances. As a student here I got hands-on experience working at the Trojan Branch bank that we have inside our school partnered with Educators Credit Union. I have my certificates in Vita Tax and ESB (Enterprise Service Bus). I personally feel that having the ability to get “work” experience has prepared me for life after high school. Knowing what I would need to have on my resume, going to work at a bank as a teller, or applying to help out with taxes because I for one have experience and two enjoy it. In hopes of working for a professional sports team and owning my own sports agency, I felt that these business classes provided me with a foundational understanding of how organizations operate and thrive. These courses cover essential topics such as business strategy, entrepreneurship, and operations management. My peers and I learned to identify market opportunities, develop business plans, and administer strategies that drive growth. One of the primary lessons in these classes is the rapidly changing market, and willingness to pivot based on consumer needs and technological advancements.

November 2024 Student of the Month

AAVTC (Video Production)

AAVTC (Video Production) Senior - Eva Rodriguez

I’m Eva Rodriguez and I’m a senior at University High School. I was introduced to Principles of Arts & AV my freshman year and got introduced to the software suite called Adobe. Principles introduced Illustrator, Photoshop, and Premiere Pro; where I got to explore and try samples of each program. At first, I wasn't sure which I was more interested in until my inspiring teacher Mr. Sanchez got the opportunity to start a production team for the school. Right away I knew I wanted to be a part of the team he was creating, Trojan Media Productions. The program allows us students to learn how to conduct interviews, operate cameras, direct, manage audio, and edit our school’s home games all on our own, with hands-on learning and of course with the best techniques and teaching from Mr. Sanchez. He has taught me a lot of what I know about sideline reporting and has given me the best support through it all. Trojan Media Productions my junior year was an adventure. It allowed me to have more hands-on experience with cameras and a learning experience with interviewing players, coaches, and students. That is when I knew I wanted to pursue reporting but also film/video production as my future career choice.

Being in Arts & AV has given me so many opportunities to continue to grow my skills and learn new techniques. It has also influenced me to think about what some of my future goals are in this pathway. I plan to go to college for Arts & Media and get my Bachelor of Arts in Digital Film, and to hope one day be part of a movie/show production team. Entering my junior year as an ambassador was a big step for me. It has shown and taught me more about the digital world, and how I can encourage creative minds to join Arts & AV as a career choice or hobby of interest to give ways to express yourself, like me. I am beyond grateful for all the opportunities and challenges I get to be a part of and go through. Knowing that I am only a few more steps away from graduation has made me want to be more creative and do more for myself. I cannot wait to see what else is meant for me to come, and to create and present my art into the world.

I want to thank University High School and the Waco Independent School District, for having an endorsement and program that has helped me explore and navigate who I want to be. With that, I would also like to thank my teacher who, again, has guided me and taught me everything I know to be successful and grounded in my hopes and dreams.

October 2024 Student of the Month

GWAHCA - Health Sciences

GWAHCA Health Science Senior - Taliyah Johnson

Going through the health science pathway has opened my eyes in so many different ways. As an incoming freshman, I started my endorsement journey with business to become an entrepreneur, but quickly found out that is not something I am passionate about. I am more passionate about helping others in need and changing people’s lives. I have been since I was little. Seeing all the smiles on everyone’s faces when they see their babies is just beautiful. That’s when I decided I wanted to be a NICU / pediatric nurse.

So, when sophomore year came I finally changed my endorsement classes. It was hard taking both Health science and medical terminology in the same year when others had taken it the year prior and knew mostly everything but in my opinion... It helped me a lot. I wasn’t behind nor was I worried because I knew if this was something I wanted to do in the future I’d have to do whatever it took. The health science classes helped me learn about parts of the body, some pathology, but not in-depth, like pathophysiology which is the class I am now taking my senior year. This class helped me understand the body, what it does, how it moves, why it reacts a certain way, etc. There were a lot of fun and hands-on activities that intrigued me. It was a very interesting and informative class. I loved it. Medical terminology helped me learn about the words that they use in the medical field. They are very complex, but as you break them down in class and study them at home you get used to them pretty quickly.

After my sophomore year it was time to go to GWACHA and use those medical words, use all these things we’ve talked about in class, and incorporate them into the clinic. I was terrified, yet ready to become one step closer to my dream job... a NICU / Pediatric nurse. At GWACHA these wonderful teachers taught us about ethical dilemmas, anatomy, and physiology, and we went to clinics to see what it feels like to be inside the medical field. I loved going there, the CNAs were nice and I love hands-on activities. Words can’t describe how much knowledge and skill I’ve learned taking this pathway. I’ve learned a lot about myself that I didn’t know. I got out of my comfort zone and became a CNA before even taking the test! As time went on we eventually did have to take the big CNA test, and I am now a licensed CNA. Though my work here at GWACHA still isn’t done just yet, I'm working on my CCMA license here. But, I am now 4 steps closer to becoming the role models I admired. Being in the healthcare pathway has changed my life, and I wouldn’t pick any other career to work in.

September 2024 Student of the Month


Senior Automotive - Brandon Picazo

My name is Brandon Picazo. I am a senior at University High School in Waco, Texas. I
have been in the Automotive class for four years in a row, and I never planned on changing it. The Automotive program at University High School showed me that the Automotive industry is more than just nuts and bolts. It’s specific hand tools, special sockets, electrical, and diagnostics. This class has prepared me for my future career. Before high school, I wanted to become a mechanical engineer and go to a 4-year college, but I realized I wanted to be more hands-on rather than being behind a computer. I would rather be on the field than watching it, so I decided to pursue a career in the Technician industry in the summer before 9th grade.

After being in the Automotive class for more than 3 years, I have learned more than I
ever thought I could. From the first year learning shop safety and hand tools to the second year learning and using the shop equipment, it has given me experience and knowledge of what the industry is going to be like after college. In the third year of the Automotive class, you get to apply the knowledge from the first and second years on an actual vehicle to make repairs or diagnoses. My third year of Automotive class has to be one of my favorite classes out of all my classes in high school hands down. When being taught by Garry Englebrecht, a teacher with more than enough experience, you will learn every day and get experience every week. I knew that I would decide if I was staying in this industry or not in my third year. I learned many things from Mr. Engelbrecht: everything from ratchets and impacts to Allen wrenches and sockets to multimeters to air ratchets and alignments. There is so much to know that one is left amazed at what the industry can bring.

After high school, I plan on attending TSTC to get my associate's degree in Diesel
Technology Specialization. I know for a fact that I will not be lost during class or in the field. After what I learned in Automotive at University High School, I will go into the field knowing most tools and all procedures necessary in the field. The knowledge imparted to me by my teachers and peers will prepare me for my future career. Thank you.