Business and Financial Services
The business and Financial Services Division is responsible for preserving, enhancing and supporting the District's financial, physical, and human resources. In order to achieve these goals, we must challenge the actions of all District's units to ensure the activities proposed and resources requested to reflect sound business judgment and support the overall goals and mission of the Waco Independent School District. The Division's staff works closely with all areas of the District to:
- Responsibly manage the District's resources, ensuring its sound financial condition for this generation and those that follow;
- Deliver quality services, expeditiously;
- Actively promote compliance with laws, regulations, and policies;
- Safeguard the physical assets of the District;
- Create conditions in which students and employees can perform at their best.
Our Commitment
- Integrity in conduct ourselves in an honest and credible manner, and abiding by high ethical and moral standards;
- Excellence in carrying out our assigned responsibilities with pride and professionalism;
- Service in meeting and facilitating the needs of the District community in a "customer-oriented" manner;
- Harmony in creating an environment where cooperation and team effort is fostered;
Personal Growth in providing an environment where staff are encouraged to grow professionally, personally, to develop and offer new ideas and solutions, to share in information, to be recognized