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BHS Homepage

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  • Brazos High School is an alternative high school designed to provide a flexible, self-paced learning environment for students.  Our program enables students to recover credits in all subject areas, through a computer based instructional program that is aligned to the student’s graduation plan.  Students are registered into our half-day or full-day program based on credits earned. Half-day students attend from 8:30am-12:30pm and our full-day track students attend 8:30pm-3:30pm.  Due to the school being a “choice”, transportation is provided to and from our 2 main high school campuses, Waco High School and University High School. 

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BHS Leadership

Daphanie Latchison

Daphanie Latchison

Jessica Castillo

Jessica Weeks

Assistant Principal

Contact Us

Brazos High School
Credit Recovery Center

3005 Edna Ave.
Waco, Texas 76708
Ph: (254) 754-9422
Fax: (254) 757-6298
Secretary: Keena Fowler

Map to Campus