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Bond Projects

Collage of bond project schools

Waco Independent School District

On November 2, 2021, voters in Waco ISD authorized the district to issue $355 million in bonds to replace Waco High, G.W. Carver Middle, Tennyson Middle and Kendrick Elementary with new schools built in the same locations and to renovate South Waco Elementary.

 G.W. Carver Middle is large enough to accommodate students currently zoned to both G.W. Carver and Indian Spring middle schools. The new Kendrick Elementary will be large enough to accommodate many of the students currently zoned to Alta Vista Elementary, with the remaining Alta Vista Elementary students going to a renovated South Waco Elementary.

The total cost of the four new schools and renovations was estimated at $367.1 million. Following the fire at G.W. Carver Middle, the proposed bond amount was reduced to $355 million to account for an insurance settlement.