Engage families and the community at the district level to support student achievement and enhance district goals.
Recruit, develop and retain highly qualified teachers and staff to increase the percentage of teachers with more than five years of experience and decrease the turnover rate.
Ensure a guaranteed and viable curriculum, customized to the needs of the district.
Develop and implement plans, systems and processes to support improved campus A-F ratings, focusing on removing labels and ensuring academic success for students.
Coordinate the entire instructional program, including federal resources, to support increased student achievement for all student groups.
Create and sustain safe and supportive learning environments.
Evaluate, develop and/or refine district processes and systems.
Build capacity for school leadership.
Provide technology to support teaching and learning initiatives and district operations.
Ensure well-maintained, quality teaching and learning spaces.
Adopted by the Waco ISD Board of Trustees May 2022.