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Student Success Initiative

Student Success Initiative

The Student Success Initiative (SSI) grade advancement requirements apply to enrolled grades 5 and 8 students who take the STAAR reading and mathematics tests at grades 5 and 8. It was enacted by the 76th Texas Legislature in 1999 and modified by the 81st Texas Legislature in 2009.

As specified by these requirements, a student may advance to the next grade level only by passing these tests or by unanimous decision of his or her grade placement committee that the student is likely to perform at grade level after additional instruction.

The goal of the SSI is to ensure that all students receive the instruction and support they need to be academically successful in reading and mathematics. This effort depends greatly on schools, parents, and community members working in partnership to meet individual student needs.

A number of materials have been developed to help schools implement the SSI grade advancement requirements. These materials are available at this website in a format that facilitates downloading and editing for local use. When modifying these materials, schools should be careful to include all the components required by the grade advancement law and commissioner’s rules.

SSI Downloads

Notification Forms and Letters