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Individual Graduation Committee (IGC)


SB149 amends TEC §28.0258 to allow the use of an Individual Graduation Committee (IGC) for any 12th grade student who entered 9th grade in the 2011‐2012 academic year, and thereafter who has failed to comply with the end‐of‐course assessment instrument performance requirements under TEC §39.025, in not more than two EOC assessments. The legislative amendments outline specific details related to student eligibility, IGC development, and graduation requirements that the IGC may recommend. According to the requirements, as part of the IGC, each student will:

  • Participate in the IGC process to ensure that alternate graduation requirements and expectations are clearly understood
  • Attend additional hours of remediation as outlined by the IGC,
  • Complete an approved project or portfolio per EOC that exhibits proficiency in the EOC area(s)
  • Continue to participate in every EOC assessment(s) until meeting with success