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2022 STAAR Administration

All 2022 STAAR Testing to Take Place On Campus

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires school districts to administer the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) to students in grades 3 – 8 and STAAR End-of-Course assessments (EOCs) in middle and high school for students taking high school courses where an EOC is required. For students whose first language is not English, the Texas English Language Proficiency System (TELPAS) is required to measure English learners’ proficiency and growth in English. All English learners in kindergarten through grade 12 take TELPAS each spring.

Under typical circumstances, these tests provide essential information about student progress and mastery of the grade level and subject area curriculum. The results also help teachers and principals identify students for advanced coursework or who may need additional learning opportunities. Beginning in April through May 2022, Waco ISD will administer the required TEA grade level and subject area assessments. Attendance on testing days is extremely important. 

More information about test dates scheduled at your students’ campus is available from the school’s main office. Please contact your campus for more specific testing information.


Assessment Calendar